Posted on October 21, 2013
Animal Health Australia has put out a manual on farm biosecurity for grazing livestock at The manual provides a set of voluntary, cost-effective guidelines to help reduce the risk of disease entering… read more
Posted on October 20, 2013
With shearing upon us, a reminder that across-herd angle-grinding of alpaca incisor teeth should not be undertaken by your shearer. In Victoria, tooth grinding of sheep has been listed as a prohibited procedure… read more
Infopest is a user-friendly database of all nationally registered agricultural and veterinary (Agvet) chemical products, approved Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) off-label permits and their uses. Infopest is free online at
A reminder to breeders who consume alpaca meat at home or sell animals for human consumption to avoid using drugs that are not registered for use in food-producing animals. These drugs appear… read more
Posted on September 27, 2011
Spring has sprung and it is time to book dates for shearing. Consider shearing machos earlier in spring as they tend to lose libido at this time of the year as days… read more