Blog › Category: Husbandry

Biosecurity begins at home

The onus is on you to keep your animals contained to your property and animals diseases/infestations off your farm. The first step in biosecurity is having good fences: Firstly, make sure existing… read more

AHA Stock Health Monitor goes electronic

Animal Health Australia produces a twice-yearly update called Stock Health Monitor, which provides Australia’s alpaca, cattle, goat and sheep producer communities with the latest information on avoiding, managing and controlling livestock production… read more

Is it fit to load?

Follow the link for your free hard copy or PDF copy of the National Guide to the Selection of Animals Fit to Transport (2012). The Standards replace the individual state/territory livestock transport provisions… read more

Did you buy an alpaca last weekend?

If you are introducing new alpacas onto your farm, don’t forget to isolate them when they arrive as part of your biosecurity plan. Have a look at: and specifically implement the… read more

Selecting and culling alpacas

The following are words of wisdom by Dr. Bruce McGregor, Senior Research Fellow – Animal Fibres, Deakin University, Australia: “There is a higher risk attached with alpaca selection using samples taken earlier… read more